Posts by admin

Life Notes: After the Holidays – 2016

Another holiday season passes. Time to begin anew. Time to check your credit card balances and say to yourself, “How did I spend so much?”[…]

Life Notes: Welcome 2016!

The New Year is here – a time of New Beginnings. That’s the agreed upon myth. But honestly, are we ready for a new beginning?[…]

Life Notes: Curiosity

An essential component of optimal living is curiosity. Curiosity stimulates our minds and opens us to doing new things. Curiosity is what drives us to[…]

Life Notes – New York City Redux

A rare December day – the sun is out, the sky is a brilliant blue and the temperature so mild that there is a sweetness[…]

Life Notes – ‘Tis The Season

Here we go – we have managed to get through Thanksgiving and all that food and family in one piece. Now we are on to[…]

Mother of Exiles

Mother of Exiles

The New Colossus “Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates[…]

The Paris Peace Symbol, by Jean Jullien, French Artist

Life Notes: The ‘New’ New Normal

On Friday November 13, 2015, horror erupted in Paris, France. Bombs and gunshots filled the air of the ‘City of Light’. Once again terror reigned[…]

Life Notes: Does Anyone Really Like Change?

Does anyone really like CHANGE? Honestly, do we enjoy having our old friend, HABIT, done away with? Try taking a shower at a different time[…]


Life Notes: ENOUGH!

When is ENOUGH? How do we know what is ENOUGH? Where is the sign that says YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH? How do you gain the[…]

Life Notes First Post

Life Notes

Welcome to! Since I was a young woman I have asked myself the question: How do I live? I have come to the realization[…]