In the last few weeks I have been looking at photos that I have taken during the course of this year trying to figure out[…]
Thanksgiving is almost upon us. For me, this has been a difficult year of many losses and major changes. At times, I have found myself[…]
In the early evening of Sunday March 20, 2016, Jetsey the cat left this world. She was 11 years old. For the last 6 years[…]
Wherever you go people are busy taking ‘selfie’ photo ops of themselves either alone or with others or set against a background that functions as[…]
What does it mean to live mindfully? To live in a mindful way is to live with a devotion to awareness. Awareness of the world[…]
Ken Doll entered the world in 1961. He is 55 years old. He is physically perfect. He is a fashion plate. He is depicted doing something like 40 plus[…]
Barbie is 57 – and she is now dealing with multicultural and diversity challenges. A new line of Barbies will be available this Spring in[…]
The Northeast just endured one humdinger of a snowstorm. The weather service named this whopper Jonas. Weird to give a name to a weather event,[…]
My cat, Jetsey, has many lessons to teach me about resilient living. For the past 6 years she has suffered from various intestinal problems. These[…]